Our Founder

Our Founder and former President, Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman, established the Seminary as a visionary intersectional refuge for interfaith ministry.

Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman, PhD

Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman was and continues to be widely recognized as a  modern master of the teachings of the Kabbalah. He is the author of a dozen books and many articles, including: Spiritual Truth, The Physician of the Soul, and The Kabbalah, As I See It. He is included  in Interfaith Heroes and Jesus Through Jewish Eyes, amongst others. 

He earned a Ph.D. in philosophy from Yeshiva University in New York  City and honorary awards from other universities.

Letter from Our Founder

In 1981, with the aid of Rev. Jon Mundy and clergy from various faiths, I founded the Interfaith Seminary in New York City, the first school of its kind in the world. The school’s mission was unique: to train interfaith ministers and spiritual counselors to serve the needs of the global community. This mission continues at All Faiths Seminary International. Judging from its many graduates, the Seminary is truly an international institution.

The courses described are grounded in my 40 years of teaching the principles and concepts of the Seminary. These programs distill my knowledge and experience into training and spiritual guidance for you. Together, as modern interfaith ministers, we can bring these ideals, drawn from an interfaith study approach, to our work and communities and make a difference in the world around us. With God’s help, we shall succeed.


Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman

(Note: Our beloved Rabbi passed away in September 2010 at the age of 98)

“Once there was a great rabbi who for many years had pondered a  question, “Where is God?” He asked a friend who was also a rabbi to  help him. His friend’s answer was simple, Where ever and whenever he is invited—that’s where God is.” 

~Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman

Thoughts from Our Founder

Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman inspired a generation of interfaith students and ministers seeking to better the world from a perspective of unity and expansive compassion.

“I decided one day to choose ‘LIFE’ and began to heal with a daily practice to:
Love unconditionally.
Inspire unconditionally.
Forgive unconditionally.
Excite unconditionally.”

“The Divine Spirit dwells within each of us, and our heritage is all of Creation.”

“The angels brought me the great teachings of Rabbi Hillel: ‘If I am not for myself, who will be for me; If I am only for myself, what am I; And if not now, when.'”

“The mystic has a universal vision, which compels him or her to see the Presence of God in all human beings.”

“In a real sense, we are all God. We are the hands, the feet, the heart, and the mind of God.”

“Always choose LIFE and JOY. Those who are truly alive never die. I have always chosen life by choosing joy, joy, joy, at every moment of every day. Joy, joy, joy is the lesson of my life.”

In Memoriam

To offer insight into the philosophy and contribution of Rabbi Paris to our Seminary, we share his letter with all here:

A Letter from Our Past President, Rabbi Stuart A. Paris, HaKohen

Our beloved founder, Rabbi Joseph H. Gelberman, established All Faiths Seminary International following his retirement from The New Seminary in 1998. Reverend Jon Mundy, Director of ACIM Studies, also retired from The New Seminary, which he co-founded with Rabbi Gelberman in 1981.

I was a devoted student of Rabbi Gelberman and continue to be a devoted student of his work. Together with my dear friend, Reverend Mundy, we are deeply committed to continuing the teachings of “Never Instead of, Always in Addition to.” All Faiths Seminary International will continue to evolve and grow as we create programs of learning and sharing to serve the diverse needs of people throughout the world who wish to live and teach an interfaith life.

In the tradition of the great teachers who came before us, we are dedicated to loving peace and loving people, and bringing them closer to the light and joy of God.

Together, as modern interfaith ministers, we can bring these interfaith ideals to our workplaces and communities, and make a difference in the world around us.

With God’s help, we shall continue to succeed.

With Love,

Rabbi Stuart A. Paris, HaKohen, President